Who is this Jesus?

Who is this Jesus?

Who is this Jesus? He's not here to fit into our boxes or meet our expectations. He's here to turn the world upside down.

4 mins

How Much Do We Trust God?

How Much Do We Trust God?

Trust is the heartbeat of faith. It's not just believing God exists; it's stepping off the proverbial cliff, knowing He's there to catch us.

11 mins

Does Certainty Destroy Faith?

Does Certainty Destroy Faith?

Doubt isn't the enemy of faith; it's a stepping stone. Every question asked, every uncertainty faced, brings us a step closer to a deeper, stronger faith.

8 mins

The Divine Blaze

The Divine Blaze

The divine spark within you is waiting to be kindled into a roaring flame. Stoke it with prayer, kind deeds, and unwavering faith.

5 mins

The Ultimate Love Story

The Ultimate Love Story

God's love - it's not just an intellectual concept but a practical, tangible reality.

9 mins

Are You Stubborn?

Are You Stubborn?

Ever thought being stubborn could be a good thing? When it comes to faith, it sure is.

5 mins

Faith, Hope, Love

Faith, Hope, Love

Faith entrusts us to God's unseen winds, Hope propels us toward a divine horizon, and Love fuels our journey.

5 mins

The Pursuit of God's Perfection

The Pursuit of God's Perfection

Today, we gather in shared understanding, a common knowledge that permeates our human experience: we are all imperfect.

6 mins

The Divine Tailor: Clothed in Christ's Love

The Divine Tailor: Clothed in Christ's Love

Do you sometimes feel like a slave to worldly possessions, to your job, or to life's ever-mounting anxieties?

6 mins

The Compassion of Christ

The Compassion of Christ

Discover the transformative power of the compassion of Christ. Experience how small acts of kindness can change the world.

6 mins

Building Your Spiritual Home

Building Your Spiritual Home

The strength of our spiritual homes lies not in worldly possessions but in our faith. Let's embark on a divine construction project, building our lives on God's wisdom.

5 mins

The Seamstress

The Seamstress

I speak to you today about a woman of immense virtue, a humble seamstress named Dorcas.

3 mins