A World of Complacency

A World of Complacency

From Ahaz to Esther, ancient stories mirror our own journey. Embrace the dance between human frailty and divine grace.

5 mins

KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid!

KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid!

If only everything in life was as straightforward as the gospel. Simple, profound, and always there for you.

3 mins

The Ultimate Marathon

The Ultimate Marathon

Life's a marathon, not a sprint. In our race of faith, it's not about outrunning others but being our best, inspired by the Gospel. Keep running with heart!

4 mins

The Best Places to Pray According to the Bible

The Best Places to Pray According to the Bible

The ‘best’ place to pray? The Bible whispers that every place can be ‘best’ when our hearts are attuned to God. Are you ready to start the conversation?

4 mins

Creation Day 7 - Rest and Reflection

Creation Day 7 - Rest and Reflection

After a flurry of cosmic activity, God takes a step back, rests, and takes in all that He has created. Today's theme revolves around rest and reflection.

3 mins

Creation Day 6 - Stewardship

Creation Day 6 - Stewardship

We've reached day six, the day when our world becomes wonderfully wild and decidedly more human. Today, we'll talk about land animals and, most importantly, the creation of humankind.

3 mins

Creation Day 5 - Diversity and Freedom

Creation Day 5 - Diversity and Freedom

On day five of creation, we're exploring the vibrant world of sea creatures and birds. Our theme is diversity and freedom.

3 mins

Creation Day 4 - Guidance and Time

Creation Day 4 - Guidance and Time

On day four of creation, we're exploring the realms of the celestial, discovering the majesty of the sun, moon, and stars. Our theme for today is guidance and time.

3 mins

Creation Day 3 - Growth and Nurturance

Creation Day 3 - Growth and Nurturance

Today, we're setting foot on solid ground and watching life burst forth from the soil. Welcome to day three of creation, where we'll explore the themes of growth and nurturance.

4 mins

Creation Day 2 - Boundaries

Creation Day 2 - Boundaries

We're diving back into the narrative of creation, but this time we're soaring high, right into the sky. Day two of creation, it's all about boundaries.

3 mins

Creation Day 1 - Beginnings

Creation Day 1 - Beginnings

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. These ten words, the opening verse of the Bible (Genesis 1:1), offer the most profound start to any story I've ever read.

4 mins

Who Really Wrote The Bible?

Who Really Wrote The Bible?

The Bible - Not just a book, but a divine dialogue penned over 1,500 years by about 40 different authors.

4 mins